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Lifestyle changes are most likely to succeed when someone is accompanied by others who have gone down the same path and come out the other side - when hope is constantly walking along with them.  We are a community for homies ready for change.

The Hope for Homies project

provides a place to escape from life's problems and join in something that benefits the community, the body, and the soul.

Who knows what homies' hearts will open up to when their minds can step away from struggle and into Hope and Purpose.

Shared Experiences

Sometimes the best way to establish trust and friendship is not to talk, but to do.  We host activities such as work parties, family barbecues, and creative workshops so homies can gather in an environment where they don't feel judged and get to know one another.


Everyone needs a place where they feel safe - a place where the problems that haunt thier daily lives can't find them and are replaced with the warming presence of the Holy Spirit.  Our sanctuary offers a respite from life's turmoil and a chance for homies to let their guard down and experience peace so they can heal. 

Making a Difference

Hope for Homies and our partner market farm Milltown Gardens' goal for 2020 is to grow twice that which we are able to sell.  Half of all profit from sales gets put back into the farm for next year and the other half will be donated to SCO for its operations.  Excess produce and flowers are donated back to the community through various partner nonprofits working with marginalized people.  Everyone involved gets the benefit of knowing they are making a difference.

the Soil

The quiet activity of digging in the dirt is healing and rewarding.  That kind of peace can be a remedy for overcoming stresses and deeply held anxieties.  As we work our gardens together, we find comfort in the act, the simplicity, and the end result.


One of the challenges of a homie redirecting his life is figuring out what direction it should turn to.  We support homies as they try on new hats, explore their skill sets, and find joy in their new way of being.  A farm offers a chance to try out gardening, machine operation, mechanics, artwork, cooking, computer work, and other activities that can lead to discovery of one's calling in their new life.  When a homie finds a new path that they can envision being joyful on, they are more likely to choose that path, even when life presents challenges.

Authentic Friendships

Many homies have experienced multiple instances of abandon, loneliness and promises only kept if they act in full loyalty regardless of what is asked of them.  We are committed to the practice of unconditional love.  Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and has the ability to encourage homies when they are doing well and give them strength to keep going when they experience hardship.  We practice love, and in doing so, we hope to teach it so it can be passed on to future generations.

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Second Chance Outreach is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and helps us continue to do our work of healing and transformation.

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